RDFGA is hosting a Range Day on June 1, 2024
Time: 10am till 5 pm
Where: The Outdoor Range
This is an event, Country wide, to introduce people to shooting sports. This is available to current range members and any non range members to participate. Come out and bring some guests for free. This is a great opportunity to introduce your friends, family, neighbours and coworkers to firearm ownership and use in Canada. Representation from CCFR – Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights – will be available for questions
and information. Dr. Terry Bryant will be attending as well.
Burgers, hotdogs, and refreshments will be provided.
A google map can be found on our website for directions to the Range if you are unfamiliar with where the range is at.
We are looking for volunteers to prepare and run the event. We are looking for people for the following areas:
-greet/sign in/help enter draws
-flip burgers
We are also looking for sponsors for the event. Donations of door prizes, ammunition, eye and ear protection are examples. And we’re looking for people willing to bring firearms for people to try out.
Any questions or more info please contact:
Contact Vincent Leckie 403-872-
8635 Vincent.Leckie02@gmail.com or Keren
Leckie 403-877-0120 keren.leckie@ccfr.ca